
Janky Ohio

Janky Ohio

In the Shreve High football stadium,I think of Polacks nursing long beers in Tiltonsville,And gray faces of Negroes in the blast furnace at Benw...
Star for the Night Radio

Star for the Night Radio

For about a decade, I had a job working in radio.  Not really a career, as I was only full time for about a year, mostly I reviewed horror and c...
Star for the Eternal City

Star for the Eternal City

Chicago is never more beautiful or dangerous than it is at night. The workman-like, bustling, hurly-burly like endless hustle of daylight become...
Star for Tuscon – January 8, 2011

Star for Tuscon – January 8, 2011

There was a  time when I regarded the Tea Party as noisy,  but mostly harmless geeks.  With their triangle hats and Jefferson quotes, they remin...
Star for a Blue Mosque

Star for a Blue Mosque

Places of worship are an odd  thing for me to like. On the face of it, it would seem unlikely– I am not religious.  I am an atheist. When you sa...
Star For a Ghost Town (Southeast New Mexico)

Star For a Ghost Town (Southeast New Mexico)

On the drive to Los Angeles last year we went south to Texas and then west, hugging the Mexico border as often as not– mostly on Routes 20 and 1...
Star for Western Avenue

Star for Western Avenue

As any good auto thief or auto parts thief can tell you, Western Avenue is home to the Midnight Auto, the night and day marketplace for hot cars...
The Gypsy Star

The Gypsy Star

In conversation a few weeks ago, a friend of mine made a remark about “fucking gypsies.”  I was a little surprised and he elaborated, “Hey, they...
Star For The Aviator

Star For The Aviator

Nothing scares me like flying.  Whenever I board a plane, images of flaming balls of carnage go through my mental highlight reel until I convinc...
Star For The Naked City

Star For The Naked City

Every night at 2 in the morning, the old man cable station, WE, plays an old Naked City rerun.  I barely remember this show because the reruns w...
Boom Star

Boom Star

When I was in grade school, a few times a year, the school would have bomb-drills.  This was in case Russia woke up with a pee-hard and decided ...
Star for the Winter Music

Star for the Winter Music

  At the Adler Planetarium, there is a star show that is pretty good.  You sit back and they show you the constellations up close and personal.As ...