
The Hobo Smelt

The Hobo Smelt

At the end of March and in early April of every year, the smelts of Lake Michigan decide to kill themselves.  The little fish haul ass from the ...
Star For the Yellow Cabs

Star For the Yellow Cabs

In mayoral politics, Chicago has a fascinating ongoing narrative. When I was born, we had a Mayor Daley.  When I graduated grade school, we had ...
Star for My Black Irish Heart

Star for My Black Irish Heart

Almost every year in Chicago, it’s the same story on St. Patrick’s Day–a bunch of drunken, green-wearing slap-dicks spilling out of bars all ove...
Star for the Eternal City

Star for the Eternal City

Chicago is never more beautiful or dangerous than it is at night. The workman-like, bustling, hurly-burly like endless hustle of daylight become...
Star For The Naked City

Star For The Naked City

Every night at 2 in the morning, the old man cable station, WE, plays an old Naked City rerun.  I barely remember this show because the reruns w...
The Spider Songs

The Spider Songs

I stopped making etchings about eight years ago.  I’d made a suite called the Autumn Etchings, and at the time I thought that was about as good ...
Bucktown All-Star (Goat Man)

Bucktown All-Star (Goat Man)

My neighborhood, Bucktown, is named for goats;  male goats, specifically.  Four or five decades ago, this neighborhood was almost exclusively Uk...
Jesus of Chicago

Jesus of Chicago

I just got back from Maine–Rockland, Maine.  One of those beautiful, bucolic towns that Edward Hopper, Robert Henri, and three generations of Wy...
Songbird for Nelson Algren

Songbird for Nelson Algren

I’ve made more than a few tributes to  the great Chicago writer Nelson Algren.  His shadow looms large over how I see the city.  Algren, of cour...
A No. 1

A No. 1

“Chicago is the greatest railway center in the United States. No one knows these facts better than the hobo. It is a fact that trains from all poi...
The Penny Poker Bird

The Penny Poker Bird

“Never play cards with a man named Doc, never eat at a place called “Mom’s”, and never sleep with a woman who is in more trouble than you are.” —...